Come out of the shadows you’ve been hiding in for too long.
Step out of the shadow of self-sacrifice
where you placed that golden heart of yours
up on the altar of someone else’s comfort.
Step out of the shadow of staying safe
by playing small.
Step of out of the shadow of promises you made
before you knew how to love yourself.
You don’t have to hide your face
from the sun anymore.
You don’t have to walk around
half-broken anymore.
Step into this circle of light
where your true self shines,
where your face it lit by a sacred fire
kindled by kindred spirits,
souls that see your soul just as it is.
Step out of the old shame,
every old story that told you
happy endings don’t happen
to people like you.
Pick up the pen and a fresh sheet of paper.
Begin again.
Pick up the brush and a black canvas.
Paint a new vision.
Become the art
you’ve always dreamed of creating.
Be your wildest wish come true.
Come out of the shadows
you’ve hidden in for so long.
You don’t have to hide your face
from the light anymore.
- Matthew Foley